AST 1002 Section 1 (Dobrosavljevic)


Final Review

Some Formulas:

a) Powers of Ten:

10 = 100 ; 1,000 = 103 ; one million = 1,000,000 = 106 ; one billion = 109 ;

0.001 = 10-3 ; 0.000001 = 10-6 ; ... etc

"nano-"(n) = 10-9 "micro-"(m)= 10-6 "milli-"(m) = 10-3

"kilo-"(k) = 103 "mega-"(M) = 106.

b) Geometry:

Circles: Area=π r2, Perimeter=2π r; Spheres: Volume = 4/π r3, Surface Area = 4π r2

c) Laws of Motion:

Time=Distance/Speed or Distance = Rate x Time; 1 Year = 3.16 x 107 sec;

1 AU = 1.5 x 108 km; 1pc = 3.26 ly = 206265 AU ;

d) Kepler's and Newton's Laws: P2(yr) = a3(AU) ; F = ma ; FG = Gm1 m2 / r2

e) Light, Waves: Speed of light c = 3 x 105 km/sec = 300,000 km/sec = 186,000 miles/sec

f) Telescopes: Light Gathering Power -> Area

g) Magnification = (focal length of the objective) / (focal length of the eyepiece)

h) Black-body radiation laws: F=s T4 ; λmax (meters)=2.9x10-3 / T(Kelvin)

i) Thermonuclear reactions: E=mc2

j) Doppler shift: Δλ =λ v/c

k) Kepler's Third Law for stars: (M1+M2) P2 = a3

l) Parallax equation: d=1/p

m) Schwarzschild radius: RSch=2GM/c2

n) Hubble law: v=Hor


* Who were Aristotle, Eratosthenes, Ptolemy, Galileo, Kepler and Newton and what were their main contributions to science ?

* Constellation, the celestial equator, the ecliptic, the celestial poles, right ascension and declination.

* The synchronous motion of the Moon, the tides

* Kepler's three laws: elliptical orbits, law of equal areas, "third law"

* Newton's four laws: Inertia; Action and Reaction; Motion and Gravity.

* Basic properties of light (speed, frequency, wavelength) (Gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, light, infrared, radio).

* Why is the setting sun red, the sky blue ?

* Black-body radiation laws: temperature vs. radiation

* Emission, absorption spectra, spectral lines

* Velocity dependence of emitted light: Doppler Shift

* Origin, formation, structure of the Solar System; inner vs. outer planets

* Origin of the Earth's atmosphere, its structure, properties

* Plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes

* The surface of the Moon, lunar maria, highlands, craters

* Venus, Mars, Jupiter: motion, composition, atmosphere, temperature

* Asteroids, meteoroids, meteors, meteorites, comets, catastrophic impacts

* Chemical composition of matter in the Universe, the Sun, planets

* The Sun's atmosphere, photosphere, chromosphere, corona

* The "quiet Sun": granules, spicules, solar winds

* The "active Sun": sunspot cycles,  prominences, flares

* Thermonuclear reactions: fusion, Einstein's equation

* Parallax, apparent magnitude scale, absolute magnitude, luminosity

* Temperature of stars, spectral lines

* Types of stars, H-R diagram

* Main sequence stars, white dwarfs, red giants, supergiants

* Binary stars, stellar mass determination, mass-luminosity relation

* Star formation, giant molecular clouds, nebulae

* Age of star cluster - position on H-R diagram

* Emission and reflection nebulae

* Death of stars: shell hydrogen burning, helium core burning

* Old stars, globular clusters

* Cepheid variable stars, period-luminosity relation

* Red giants, planetary nebulae, white dwarfs

* Supernova explosions, neutron stars, pulsars

* Einstein's relativity, black holes, Schwarzschild radius, event horizon

* The Milky Way, globular clusters as clues, radio mapping, shape and size

* Rotation curve, dark matter, galactic nucleus, supermassive black holes

* Galactic clusters, the Local Group, superclusters

* Universal expansion, the Hubble law

* Cosmological redshift, Big bang

* Cosmic microwave radiation

* Density, shape, age of the Universe