The Milky Way Galaxy : One of the Places we call ... HOME |
At night, from a dark
location, part of the clear sky looks milky. Until the
invention of the telescope, nobody really knew what the "Milky
Way" was. About 300 years ago telescopes caused a startling
revelation: the Milky Way was made of billions and billions of
stars. The above picture was taken by the COBE
satellite and shows the plane of our Galaxy in infrared light.
1915 --
Harlow Shapley measured the position of 93 globular clusters using RR Lyrae stars. These stars,
like Cepheids, are variables stars and have absolute
luminosities that depend upon the period of light variation.
Shapley found that most of these clusters were located in one
part of the sky, near Sagittarius. Late one night, he realized
that the "star system" was much bigger than anyone had ever
suspected and that we did not live in the center of the star
system (recall Copernicus). At that moment Shapley called the
only other person in the building - a cleaning lady - and
explained to her that "They were the only two people on the
Earth who knew that humanity lived in a galaxy".
Disk -- The
disk component consists of all matter confined to the plane of
rotation; yes our Milky Way galaxy rotates around the center
of the galaxy. Our sun is suspected to lie half to two thirds
of the way from the center and near the Sun the average
density of stars is about 0.003
per cubic light year. The
most prominent feature of the disk are the spiral arms.
Imagine now you are looking down onto the galaxy. Four spiral arms wind out from the bulge. They are marked out by groups of bright bluish young stars and pink clouds of, of course, glowing hydrogen gas. Closing in on the central bulge the stars are by contrast mainly red and orange.
Bulge -- The nuclear bulge is the dense cloud of stars that surrounds the center of our galaxy. In the galactic core there are about 10 million stars per cubic light year. These are old stars packed in thousands of times closer than the Sun's region of the galaxy. At the heart of the bulge (the central region of about 15 light years) lies the nucleus of the galaxy. To explain the high-density at the center of our galaxy astronomers have suggested that a black hole of 3 million solar masses might inhabit that part of that space. The center of the galaxy is located near Sagittarius.
Halo -- The halo is a spherical cloud of thinly scattered
stars and globular clusters. It contains only about 2 percent as many stars as the disk of the galaxy.
Age -- From the oldest stars in the Galaxy - globular clusters that lie in the halo - we believe that the galaxy is about 15 billion years old. Note that there are about 200 billion stars in the Milky Way. If Earth is the only inhabited planet in the Galaxy, then each person "owns" about 40 stars!
Luminous Mass -- As a
galaxy, the Milky Way is actually a giant, as its mass is
probably around 500 billion solar masses.
Excerpts from a
REAL interview with High-School Students:
Leno: May I ask you a few
questions about science?
HSS: Sure
Leno: Do you know the name
of our galaxy?
HSS: Hmmm ... I
don't remember
Leno: I will give you some
help, it is the name of a candy bar
Leno: Do you know how many
planets are there in the Solar System?
HSS: I don't
know - A HUNDRED?
Population II Stars -- These stars are located in
the spherical component of the galaxy. They have randomly
tipped elliptical orbits and are relatively old stars, around
ten billion years old. Population II stars are "metal-poor" containing only traces of elements heavier
than helium.
Globular Clusters --
These are spherical groupings of stars that can contain
thousands to millions stars. These clusters have radii in the
range of 40 to 160 light years. A good example is the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13).
The large number of stars causes a strong
gravitational pull towards the center, which causes the stars
to form tight spherical clusters. The stars are always old
population II stars.
Interstellar Gas
-- The interstellar gas can glow because
of stars embedded in them. A spectacular example of one of
these emission and reflection nebulas is the Great Nebula in Orion.
Some scientists have
suggested that this observation implies that Newton's Law of
Gravity is incorrect on large distance scales (nonsense!).
Another explanation is that galaxies are cloaked in a large
amount of unseen matter, called dark
matter, that causes the
additional gravitational effects. This is the currently the
favored hypothesis. The nature of the dark matter, however, is
unknown. It cannot be normal stars because they would produce
light and we could see them. They could not be neutron stars
and black holes because, although some of these objects are so
dense that not even light can escape, we could detect the
X-rays that matter around these objects would emit. We hope
that in a few years we will be better informed as the true
nature of dark matter from the many experiments
being conducted worldwide.